Media and Publications
Bridge-Orama in Pilates Style Magazine
If you could choose just one exercise to do till the end of time, what would it be?
Stop Chasing Pain
Madeline discusses her book Centered: Organizing the Body through Kinesiology, Movement Theory and Pilates Techniques
Pilates Applications for Health Conditions
Madeline Black shares her wisdom with us about the longevity of her career, the balance of self-practice, the process of writing her book ‘Centered,’ and her current creative outlets.
The Embodied Podcast
My conversation with Mark Walsh, founder of The Embodied Podcast, begins with my history and mixed background in alternative underground ways of working with a body to how my work is currently transitioning due to COVID.
Finding Your Own Voice
Where is the you in your voice? Maybe you have not thought of finding your own voice. Or thoughts such as “so many other teachers say it so much better than I”, or “I was taught to say it in this way.” Another possible thought is who wants to hear it? These are the critical mind distractions that block the possibility of bringing your self into your practice.