Learn the Method with
Immersive Online Training- Series 1
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Elevate Your Teaching with the Madeline Black Method™
In this foundational course in the Madeline Black Method™, you will gain confidence and clarity in your approach with clients, you will sharpen your ability to see movement patterns and evaluate them, and learn to create effective plans unique to each client.
The structure of the online training promotes an immersive experience for all participants including 2-hour workshops, 1-hour breakout sessions and summary sessions.
At completion you will earn 17.5-hour credits toward a certificate of completion in the Madeline Black Method™ and 17.5 NPCP CEC(s) hours.
Here is what we will cover in Immersive Online Training- Series 1:
Week 1 - Rolling through the feet
In gait patterning, the foot rolls from heel strike to propulsion articulating each joint. Rolling through the feet requires an unlocking of the bones and a winding up as the bones come together to create a spring action for forward momentum. The adaptability of the foot is crucial to sensory feedback and proprioception for balance.
Week 2: Pelvis figure 8’s
Discover the pattern of the figure 8 in the pelvis as the source of all movement. In the Madeline Black Method, we use the figure 8 motions of the pelvis to identify the individual’s pattern, understand the how and why and address the pattern through movement for balance.
Week 3: Ribcage influences the whole
The ribcage motion is vital to the pelvis-hip and arm-neck movements. The thorax is simple in its motions but complex on its influence on the whole body. The ribs move on the spine as well as the spine on the ribs. The myofascial slings run across, up, down and around while Thoracic mobility and movement will free up the pelvis and the shoulder.
Week 4: Helical spine
The spine is our central channel moving in response to the sea of connective tissues it lives within. It is our spinal motions that drives our gait, and reciprocates with the legs giving the body motion in all directions. In the Madeline Black Method, working with these interplays creates dynamic changes in the body.
Week 5: Integration piece
This session will bring together the previous four sessions integrating it into your practice. We will move together incorporating all the topics, review what was learned, and experience an individual session using the techniques and movements.

“The course has been invaluable..it’s clear, concise and easy to understand.”
— Larry Hall, Pilates Instructor, The Centered Studio
How Does it Work?
• We will meet LIVE for a 2-hour workshop once a week on Mondays from 8:00 AM PST - 10AM PST
• You will learn how to implement the skills from each session
• Mid-week is yours to practice and reflect on the material on your own.
• Each Thursday from 8:00 AM PST - 9:00 AM PST, we will meet in a smaller group for a summary session to review the concepts, dialogue and answer any questions
• A second group will get together for a summary session on Thursdays @5:00 PM PST to accommodate participants in Asia in a live session
• Each session will have a replay option in case you missed it
• Replays and content will be available for 6 months after the training
• The number of spots in each training is limited to guarantee a worthwhile experience for each participant
Light theraband
Yoga block
Strong and long Theraband
Yoga belt or a belt
Wall space
Pole 92 cm (36 inches) long
Chair or stool
Approximately 5 cm (2 inches) diameter ball not too hard
1 set of 2 posture pencils (see p.21 Centered)
Approximately 20 cm (7 7/8 inch) ball
4 Priopro Half Balls (www.halfrubber.com, special discount coupon code: BLACK) (optional)
The September 2021 cohort of Series 1 is sold out!
Cancellation Policy for Series 1 Full refund if you cancel up to 50 days before the training start date.
75% refund if you cancel up to 7 days before the training start date. No refund if you cancel less than week before the start date
Any questions please email admin@madelineblack.com
**Scholarships for Immersive Online Training Series 1-3 are now available. Click here for more info!
We are currently accepting scholarship applications for the Nov. 2021 cohort of Series 2.
If you are interested in receiving a scholarship to join the Nov. 2021 cohort of Series 2, please apply by Oct. 15, 2021.
Please note: Series 1 is a prerequisite for Series 2.