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Paris in March 2023

SAVE THE DATE!! Paris in 2023

8th - 12 March


In-Person Intensive Workshop with Madeline Black

assisted by Kelly Moriarty

My intensive five-day (30 hour) course gives the movement teacher the opportunity to immerse themselves in movement science, theory and practice. My approach integrates movement patterning based on gait, identifying the patterns through assessments, and organizing a session with movement articulation, activation and loading exercises. I escort each participant through personal feedback on the process of working with the body. And I customize each day to match the needs and energy of the participants which provides a unique experience for each instructor.

The in-person experience allows for including manual skills techniques and developing perception and intuition. This intensive will be a focused and engaging experience embodying the principles, concepts and new perspectives.

Location: Paris, France
Dates: March 8-12, 2023

Registration is now open and currently at an EARLY BIRD pricing!

Limited enrollment, so register early.

For registration and more information email:

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